Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Year Later or So

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I last ranted on here. It certainly hasn't been for a lack of topics, since this never seems to be a problem. I just have been busy trying to stay employed in this dismal economy. I'm sure some of you are in the same boat as well. UNEMPLOYMENT DOWN? Bullshit!!! This is just the political rhetoric that they are trying to get us to believe. They didn't bother to tell you how many people have exhausted their unemployment benefits did they? I bet that that number was equal to or greater than the jobs added. Unemployment shrank because the benefits were exhausted not because jobs were magically created. Don't believe the rhetoric that the media is force feeding us. To them, we are all in utopia. I don't think so. Gavin Rossdale said it best, "Everything Zen, Everything Zen, I don't think so"

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