Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Election Pressure

I first have to say that I am against both the front runners for President. My choice and vote are for Ron Paul. How's this for pressure? If Obama is elected, do you think that the weight of the office is going to doom or raise afro-Americans by the legacy he leaves behind? If things go badly for him, it will have a severe negative impact on there ever being another afro-American President. Talk about pressure! Of course if he does well, it could also raise more afro-Americans up into political office. I'd like to see more in every level of Government. Even more as CEO's of Fortune 500 companies. They have earned that position at the very least. Of course I'd like to see Palin in the White House. Not for political stance but as a Hottie. We haven't had one since Jackie Kennedy. Think of the press! Her sunbathing on the lawn! How would you like to take that to deer camp guys? That's just Kidworksjustsayin.blogspot.com