Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Economy Improving

I know that McDonald's and Taco Bell aren't the greatest jobs like astronaut, super hero, or truck driver. But they are with Fortune 500 companies, and it is entry level, which is the best place to start. Unless of course you are one of those teenagers that know everything already. If you are one, Charles Schumer, Senator of New York can use you immediately. He has a rather large maple tree up his ass. Read on kiddies and you will see what I'm talking about.

Friday, September 5, 2008

You Can Do It!!!!

I know that the changes we need to make seem impossible, but we can do it. It just takes some effort on our part to get more people thinking the way we do. Keep your head up and remember every good revolution starts out small. As always dance. It wouldn't be a revolution worth having if we didn't have dancing. That line is courtesy of V from the movie "V for Vendetta."

More Puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Presidential Election

Remember Lewis Black? The funny man that has a problem with authority? He says that we should dig up Ronald Reagan and put him back in office. After seeing and listening to our choices this year, I'd have to agree with him. Walter would make a great VP. He knows how to handle those terrorists. He'd just unleash one of his farts on them. Talk with our enemies? Hell No! Annihilate our enemies! Say that you want to talk to them and then send in our own suicide bomber. I nomination that waste of fresh air Charles Schumer to be the suicide bomber. He wants to be a public servant then he can take one for the team.

Another Story from The US Today

The Archdiocese of Chicago is sponsoring a program for families of victims who have been sexually abused by Catholic priests or deacons. The free sessions start this week. The archdiocese says the program will include discussions on how abuse affects families, the healing process and long-term effects. The archdiocese also offers counseling for sex-abuse victims. Are You Kidding Me? That's like asking Colonel Sanders how to take care of a chicken. So this time you don't have to put money in the pan when it's passed around, so the abuse you get this time is free. What a treat for you! The healing process is multi-million dollar lawsuits against the church. So often and for so much that these evil bastards end up begging for change on the street corners. It would be a cold day in Hell before I would ever trust these bastards again. Harry Potter never treated any of his followers like they did. Consider switching religions. Harry Potter doesn't ask for your hard earned money.

U.S. Senator Charles Schumer AKA Dickwad!

This is a photo of that pork belly project asshole. What a waste of human flesh he is. He needs to be tarred and feathered. Someone vote this prick out before he steals our hard earned tax dollars. We need to stop this needless sucking of the Federal Government tit for the projects that are not in the country's best interest. If they build the plant will the price of syrup go down? HELL NO! It will make the costs lower for the maple syrup producers so they can line his pockets with more dough! Someone stick a maple tree up his ass.

Tar & Feather?

I'm going to take this from the US Today from 9-3-08. U.S. Senator Charles Schumer is working to increase New York's maple syrup production and sales. He pledged to help get federal funding to build a maple syrup processing plant in Lewis County, the state's leading producer of syrup. New York's 1,500 maple producers generate $8.02 million in sales in 2006. This is what pisses me off most. Can you say pork belly funding? This is not the responsibility of the federal government. If that damn industry generates that much money in sales, then they can pay for their own processing plant! The damn state of New York benefits more from this industry than the federal government, but this asshole thinks all of us Americans should foot the bill for his pet project. This is what our tax dollars are wasted on among other things. Tar & Feather this asshole so all the other dickwads in Congress get the idea what will happen to them if they try the same stunt!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Secret Revealed!

You ladies always wanted to know what it was like in the men's room. Here's your chance! Our secret camera spy took these photo's at the mall. You didn't think that he wanted just to be with you while you shopped did you? Silly girl....

To All You Cat Lovers

This is what your cat does while you are away. Stop blaming your roommate for the missing beer. (the dog took the picture.)

The economy is improving, yet again.

More proof that the economy is improving. Shame on you for not believing me when I told you the first time. Better hurry. Limited openings available.

Back to School

To all the kids out there that have driven their parents crazy all summer long, please take the advice offered on the poster. Do it soon before your parents go off the deep end. It will save them a lot of money and grey hair. Can't find a job? McDonald's is hiring and so is Taco Bell. Don't believe me? Check the blog about the economy improving.

Be Prepared! The zombies are coming

At least some of us are ready to go Shaun of the Dead on them zombies. They aren't going to get my mum! I got your back America! I still can't find my flame thrower to use against them hungry space aliens. Don't know about them? Read about them on Here lizard, lizard, lizard.

Christmas will never be the same

And you were told that he wasn't real.
Shame on you!

Myspace Warning

Don't believe everything you see or read on Myspace. You've been warned!

The Economy is Improving

Hard to find a job? McDonald's is now hiring. You just might be qualified. See things are getting better everyday!

Best friend.

And you wonder why we call them man's best friend.

Lewis Black & Jeff Dunham

Lewis Black. A very funny man that, just like me, has a problem with Authority. I encourage all of you to listen to his work and to buy his book. Barnes&Noble, Walmart, Meijer, and your local library(maybe) is where you can find it. He also appears on Comedy Central. His show is called The Root of All Evil.
I also recommend Jeff Dunham. Very funny and I suggest we elect Walter for
President. That way we can truly say "We have a dummy in the White House!"

Get Rid of the UN

In this day and age with the communication technology that we have, is this joke of an organization necessary? Don't get me wrong, some parts of it are good. Like Doctors Without Borders but the rest need to go. It took them months to decide the proper size of one nations flag. Are you kidding me? If this is the stuff they are wasting their time on, get out of our country! We have a lot more important issues to worry about than flag size. The failing of our economy, skyrocketing health care costs, illegal aliens, the killing of a generation of soldiers in an unjust war, just to name a few. If we need to talk to you about something, we'll call you. Until then pack your bags, you're going home.

My Inspiration

If you wonder where I come up
with all these rants, I suggest that
you watch this movie. If you can't
see the similarities to our little
world, you had better contact the
Leader Dogs for the Blind. I put
nothing past this corrupt government.
This is something I believe that they
might try. Especially if they were
close to losing their power.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Have You Ever Felt Like This?

Have you ever felt like this? I have which is why I suggested the helmet to him.

Complaint Department

To those of you who want to complain.
Please take a number.

And You Thought You Had A Bad Day!

That's why I like Puppies. Kids don't confuse them with kittens.


Okay, a couple of puppies to since they were cute.

Enough Already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When are we going to say "ENOUGH!" and change this Government back into what our Fore Fathers set up? Special interests have taken over our Government using bribes to influence their votes. These people never see that we put them there to run this country, not benefit our individual states. I don't want a pet project from you. I want real answers to the real problems that this country faces. I want answers. Why do we pay more for our prescription drugs than any other nation? Why can't we marry whomever we want? It doesn't harm this country if there are same sex marriages. You religious groups Shut Up! When the church pays taxes is when you can weigh in on these political debates. Why is recreational marijuana use illegal? It certainly doesn't kill people like alcohol does. It leads to heart disease, which kills you nice and slow. Capture all the marijuana that you can and then package it and sell it. Pick a low price so it creates a saturation of the market. When these drug suppliers can find no profit in this market maybe then they will stop supplying it. Tax it as you sell it like cigarettes. I don't do drugs and in fact I am very anti-drugs. I just think that we need a different way to go about eliminating them. Otherwise, let's execute all the drug users as we catch them. No trial, no jury, and no jail. Just a low grain .22 pressed against their skull. We don't need a trial, they usually are caught with the drugs on them. Guilty. Case Closed. Sooner or later we will dry up the drug market. Okay, time for some kittens before I get accused of being a cat hater.

Time To Rant a little

Every company in this nation should have to pay 1% of their net profit to a charity. Think of the tax write off. The potential customers you would gain by being a caring company. If I owned a company I would support the Homeless Shelter and the Soup Kitchen. I've never used these two groups but I know people that have. I try to take care of a guy named Mario in my hometown. Unfortunately I'm not there enough. He says that I'm like a big brother to him, even though he is older than me. Mario is one of my Hero's. Even with his disablity, he will sweep and mop floors for a cup of coffee. Mario does not want charity. He wants to work for it. The thought of stealing never enters his mind and that makes him better than most people. He once told me that he knew that he would never have the good job, nice house, or new car and that he was okay with that knowledge. God willing Mario, if I ever hit the lotto, you will have the nice house and car as well as a good job. I would give him a job with the company that I would start and he would be my neighbor. Though he is not my brother, I am my brothers keeper. To all you that have told me I shouldn't help the underpriveleged out. Shame on you. When you get to the pearly gates I hope that God(Harry Potter) says that it was him that you refused to help and that you can't come in. As for me, I hope to go the same place as you since I think that I'll know more people there. The only problem, I'll work there and I wouldn't want to see you everyday.

A Word or Two To Everyone That Reads This

Yes I am a little militant in my views and I do most things to the extreme. However I can't be all that bad since I do include some humor and lots of puppies. This is just to start your monkey mind thinking when you realize that there is something really wrong with this country. If you can't see it, go back to your nap. These are just my views and rants and how I would change them. I don't have all the answers but I bet that if we all put our minds to it, we can come up with all the right answers. Or at the very least, we all could go play with puppies! Like the title says, Kidworks Just Sayin.

Werewolf Killer

Just a couple of pictures of my favorite werewolf killer, Kate Beckinsale. A hottie that can handle an automatic and a sword. The stuff dreams are made of. Okay get your mind out of the gutter.

Redneck Condos

I wonder who lives in the penthouse.

Funny Feel Good Moment

So true, so true.

Mega Million Dreams

If I ever won the Mega Millions this is what I'd buy. The truck is a Freightliner Coronado, which I would have customized by The Chrome Shop Mafia in Joplin,Mo. You see I keep working, just not all year. The boat is a Sea Ray Sundancer 48 that Kathy and I would spend all summer on. I'd work from fall to spring. The summers would be out on Lake Huron. Making up for all the time I spend on the road away from the one I love and my friends and family. I'd like to start my own trucking company. Nothing very big, 5-6 trucks at most. They would all be like the one above. I wouldn't do anything to mine that I wouldn't do to my drivers. Kidworks Transportation would be the name of it. I even have a couple of ideas that I'd like to patent. Maybe put a few people to work making that product. I have a different business plan that I would follow. I'd also start a charity division that I would call Kidworks Cares. What that would do is not for you to know. I would try to develop this company to be the best at what they do. Image, image, image is my mantra. I have a few ways to go about boosting this image. I'd still be out on the road with my drivers and eventhough I'd be owner, I'm still just a truck driver at heart. Thank you Kathy,my love, for understanding my desire to be out on the road. I love you with all my heart.


JOBS. My job let's me travel this great nation of ours. These are some of the pictures that I've taken on my travels. This industry is always in need of more drivers. The pay is good. Insurance is not bad. And most offer 401K's. The trucks are getting easier to drive. They are more comfortable with more options. I am typing this in my truck thanks to WIFI, offered at most truck stops, and the built in inverter that powers my laptop. With the Internet I get all my loads from it. I keep in touch with my friends and family. I message Kathy when I can. Steamy ones when I get lonely and long for her warm embrace. I get all my routing and directions from the programs on my laptop and I can even see what the place looks like where I am going using Google Earth. I've seen so much and I never want to do anything else.(Unless I win the lotto, but that will be explained next.) My office window changes every mile. Looking for work? Check out US Express, CFI, and Schneider. They each offer training programs to help you get behind the wheel. Talk to any driver that you can and listen to what they say. Then you can decide for yourself if it is something you want to try.


Enough with the Welfare!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't mean all welfare since some need it due to this economy and because of the deadbeat parents they hooked up with in the first place. Stop having multiple kids when you can't even provide for yourself! Free rent?! HELL NO IT IS NOT FREE! It comes from the high taxes that I pay. You are responsible for yourself and your child. It is a big responsibility that is yours, not your parents or your friends. Keep the convicts in jail and have the welfare parents pick up the trash along the highway, fix the potholes in the roads, clean up blighted neighborhoods, and help take care of the senior homeowners that cannot do it for themselves. Not willing to do this? Then Protective services should take your children. Then you would be on your own and whether or not you had food or shelter would be your problem and not the problem of the rest of society. I am tired of all the handouts! Your parents are not ATM's. We had tough times but we made it through them. It wasn't easy but it made us stronger people. Get off your ass and get a job! Any job is better than no job. There are so many programs out there to help these people and that makes me mad. Force them to care for themselves otherwise you will be paying for them for generations to come. To all you church people that want to help, set up daycare centers for these people. That way they can go pick up the trash, etc. No More Handouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More Puppies!!!!!


As I said, my religion is Harry Potter. Don't know that religion? Try reading the books not just watching the movies and you will see what I mean. It's really simple. Evil is all around. It hides itself from the good in the world and works in the shadows to corrupt the good. Life is hard but not impossible. Learn as you live and listen to the people you meet and filter what they tell you and make your own choices. Many challenges can be overcome with the help of a few close friends. When the bad times come, you will find that you have more friends than you realized. Good triumphs over Evil in the end. Pretty simple Huh? We could all use a little magic now and then. In the meantime, play with puppies!

Remember the late 80's?

During the late 80's I attended a few great concerts. At some of these concerts a petition was circulated, and after reading it I signed it. Basically it said that "We the people no longer support the government and want to scrap it and start again." Pretty simple really but then my monkey mind started thinking outside the box. Picture the future. What if this petition caught on and went nation wide? Suppose 80% of the registered voters in this country signed this petition and a naional election was called. Then suppose 83% of the American public voted for what this petition said. Do You Really Think That Your Government Would Listen To What The People Wanted? Do You Think That They Would Give Up Their Power And Let Us Start Over? Would This Be The Cause Of A Modern Day Revolution? Someone please explain to me why you think you matter to your government?! This government does us more harm than good. They interfere in our lives on a level that they should not. Family Values? They want to tell us what our family values should be? News to you boys...In this country there is no one set of family values that everyone accepts. It means many things to each of us. To me it is life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now who my life partner is(Kathy Collingwood), is none of their business. What religion I practice(Harry Potter), is not their business. Family values from crooks, cheats, and adulters? Not in my life!

Just Some Puppies

How To Run A Business

First we need to redefine the meaning of success. Your business will be a success when your people that work for that business are successful. You cannot have one without the other. When you start a business you make a commitment to the people that you hire. They are your challenge. You need to be the best employer that they have ever had. That's something that you need to work on everyday. Make them never regret the day that they came to work for you. Sound simple? Try it, it ain't easy. Stand behind your people. They are trying to do the best job for your business. Realize that mistakes will be made because we are human. It's a learning mistake then. Always be available to your employees. Without them you are nothing. Encourage them to give ideas on what they think would make the business better. Some of them will have some good ideas but you would never know if you didn't talk with them. It's your business to run but be open about what you want to do. Explain why you want to do this and outline your hopes and fears in doing it. They might clue you in to some hopes and fears that you didn't think of. The days of greed must end. Profit is obtainable if you start to share it with your employees. Over the years as I've crossed this great nation of ours, I've spoken many times on how I would run a trucking company since this is what I know. Many drivers have said that they would work for me. Some even have given me their names just in case I do start one. Total strangers that heard my business plan and liked what they heard. My monkey mind get's a workout all the time as the miles go by.

Redistribution of Wealth

How about a cap on personal income? Let's say $5 million would be the max allowed. If you can't live on that much(and live well), you've got a problem and need professional help. How about the next time a company wants to pay their CEO above that amount, they must redistribute the compensation above that mark to all employees in that company? How about a hefty tax if you make more than $5 million a year with no loopholes? Somewhere around 70% would be good. Or the CEO could select a charity or two to support with his compensation above that limit. Think of it, you could one up your peers with your good deeds instead of bigger cars, houses, boats, and the garbage that you currently buy. The working class would get a yearly boost for the good work of the CEO and company that they are a part of. These CEO's take charge of these companies and change them to get more out of them. Even if this company fails, he goes on to another cushy job at another company. The workers that he leaves behind in the failed company are the ones that bought into his quest because they had no choice. They needed the job so they did as directed. Now while he goes on to another CEO job, they are trying to collect unemployment. Sound fair to you? The workers are the ones that are taking the risk because they cannot bounce into another job as easy as these CEO's can. With all the obscene compensation that they were paid, their transition to the next job is a lot easier than the workers. Lewis Black is right, Profit can be obscene, tities cannot.