Saturday, August 30, 2008

Typo or Tom Ridge moment?

Tom Ridge or Elmer Fudd in
disguise? You be the judge. I apologize for the typo
in the title. Call it my Tom Ridge or Elmer Fudd

Health Care

The health of the people of this nation is of national importance. The feds would control drugs and the testing of all new drugs. They would set the standards for the doctors, hospitals, nurses, and the rest of the medical professions. Everyone would have health care at least at the basic level. To the health care workers that watched as the lady died in your emergency room and did nothing. You should be executed in public in the most inhumane way possible. May you burn in Hell for an eternity. My deepest sympathy goes out to that poor family. I would make those people an example of what would happen to anyone else that did nothing while a person died.


The smarter the people are, the better your country will be. The people of this nation are our greatest asset, which is why it is the Federal Governments job to handle education. Set the standards and requirements of the teachers and encourage creativity and individual thought. Brilliant ideas do not come from Committees. It's always that strange person in the back of the class that makes the earth shattering discovery. They need to offer rewards for the best thinkers. Encourage people to use more than 5% of their monkey minds. Think outside the box. Think outside the planet. Greatness can be achieved with hard work and great thinkers.


The transportation system in this country is vital to our national defense, which is why it should be taken care of by the Federal Government. President Eisenhower had the freeway system built because it took too long for supplies and troops to move across the country before the freeway system was built. This system is vital to interstate commerce as well as the transport of emergency supplies and services. States and cities would have to take care of the non interstates. State routes and US highways would be the responsibility of the State. The lesser roads would be for the county and cities. The playing field would need to be leveled though, so no more subsidies for the rail road. Pay your own ways boys. If that means rate increases and fare increases, so be it. We would also limit the length of trains to one mile or less. No more blocking roads for hours while they cross roads. Violations would be jail sentences and fines to not only the engineer but the company president as well. That would get them to change their ways in a hurry.


When I say security, I'm talking about the national defense level. The CIA, FBI, NRC, and NSA shall remain part of the Federal government. These agencies are needed to defend us against our enemies. We need better intelligence in real time from these agencies. We cannot afford to let the opportunity to go capture or kill our enemies come to pass. We need credible informants and better technology to eavesdrop on our enemies. More spy satellites watching more nations, like North Korea, China, Saudia Arabia, and Iran. Our navy should be patrolling our coastline constantly. Any suspicious vessel above or below the surface should be boarded and searched. Any attempt to flee and they should be fired upon. A .50 cal or Harpoon anti ship missle should do the trick above the surface. Below we should try torpedos and depth charges. The Coast Guard would also fall into this category and could be used. They would have new ships with more technology and firepower to safeguard our coastline. All troops would be trained in all aspects of warfare. The more they learn the better they will be in protecting not only us, but themselves as well.

These fine men have been mistreated by Mr. Bush. They should be higher paid for their service to this country. They should not have to collect food stamps to feed their families! Their health care should be second to none! They risk their lives protecting us and our interests. We owe them our sincere graditude and our commitment to support them every way we can when we call them into action. Mr. Bush you should be tried as a war criminal for this unjust war. You should be imprisoned for your crimes against humanity and the lies and mistreatment of our fighting forces.

Just Me Sayin

Gun ownership must not be infringed upon. Limit handguns but not rifles and shotguns. Our Forefathers gave us this right because they had lived under tyranny and did not want to walk that path again. So they gave us this right so we could defend ourselves from a corrupt government. They were unsure of the future. They knew what they wanted but were afraid of what they may become. Smart men. Be very afraid of any government that wants to take away this right. Once they have our guns, what crap are they going to try to jam down our throats that we would take up arms against them? Scary thought? It keeps me up nights too. We have the best armed public of any nation. It's not shocking to see why we have not been invaded in the modern era. Not only do you have to worry about the military but also every citizen as well. Sleep tight kiddies. The NRA and the rest of the gun owners have your back.


1)NO MILITARY AID TO ANY OTHER NATION! We are hated by so many because we support bad governments. Our tax dollars are given to nations that do not need it. Why do we give Saudia Arabia military aid? They are a wealthy nation that can pay their own way.
2)DEFENSE CONTRACTORS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SELL THEIR WARES TO ANY OTHER NATION! NOT EVEN TO OUR ALLIES! Sooner or later it comes back to be used against us. Let's equip our military with the best that we can develop and let everyone else fall by the wayside.
3)NO MILITARY AID, ONLY HUMANITARIAN AID WITH SEVERE PENALTIES FOR ABUSE! When I say severe penaties, I am talking about up to and including assassination. We need to make it that way so no one tries to profit from our good deeds. If we are going to be hated throughout the free world, let's be hated for our good deeds.
4)WHEN USING THE MILITARY, USE IT WITH AN IRON HAND! Wars should not be on CNN. The American people do not have the stomach to see what needs to be done. It's not pretty folks. Women and children die, so do the innocent. That is the nature of war. If D-Day would have been on CNN, we would have lost WW2! Let the soldiers on the ground run the mission, not someone a safe distance away. No armchair quarterbacks.
5)SEAL THE BORDERS AND FORCE THE ILLEGALS OUT BY MILITARY FORCE IF NECESSARY! We start at one end of the country and work our way to the other. Do not be nice about this. They are all criminals and it does not matter why they came here in the first place. Legal immigration only. We need to do away with all this bilingual crap. This is America and to be a citizen of this country you must read,write, and speak English. Do not cater to the illegals. If they cannot be understood and find the climate hostile here, they'll go back on their own. Until you learn English, you cannot enter this country except as a tourist. Even then you will be tracked. They do the jobs that Americans won't do? BULLSHIT! The only reason Americans won't do them is because they do not pay enough. Pay a fair wage with decent work conditions and you won't need the illegals.
6)LINE THE SOUTHERN BORDER WITH WINDMILLS AND SOLAR PANELS TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY TO POWER THE LIGHTS AND ELECTRIC FENCE. Then we put a metal sign on that fence every 4 feet that says,"Touch it & you are toast" in every language known to man. Then we line it with seismic detectors. If one of those detects a possible tunnel, we bore a small hole down and if we find a tunnel, gas them. By tunneling they are breaking the law. In my eyes they are an economic terrorist at the very least. Think about this the way I do. What happens if an illegal gets across the border with a nasty virus. With most viral agents they only affect 3-4% of the people that come into contact with them. That might seem like a small number until you start talking about people on a plane, bus, or train. Then the ones that do get it are now carriers spreading it to even more people. With mass transit,they can be in major city after major city in hours. By the time the CDC gets wind of a problem, they would be overwhelmed by the numbers of victims. We risk epidemics and pandemics on biblical proportions. We have already seen the crackerjack job our security is when the guy with the severe form of TB was told not to travel but he did anyway. Hop skipping around the world before he was finally stopped. He should be charged as a terrorist. Try and convince me that he wasn't.
7)NO FOREIGN OWNERSHIP OF AMERICAN SOIL! You might be able to buy our companies but not the land they sit on. It's only the rich that own second homes in other countries. Simple rule. Pick One!

Domestic Terrorist or Presidential Contender?

Let me begin by saying that this is just my views and ideals, which you may or may not agree with. That's okay, at least it got you to use your monkey mind. Label me as you will. I do not fear words or our government. They should fear me. WE NEED TO OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT AND START OVER. I can't say it any simpler than that folks. Our Founding Fathers said no professional politicians, which is all we have in our government now. It's no longer for the people by the people. How about our Senators and Representatives being selected from the general population by lottery? We could use social security numbers. Your number comes up you serve four years then it's someone elses turn. Think of it, the common man and woman in office. Every walk of life in our government working on the problems that they faced in everyday life. Common sense laws written in plain English not some language that nobody's used in three hundred years. The clowns we have in office now are so far removed from us that they cannot even imagine what our problems are or how to fix them. All meetings would be recorded in the open , so we as citizens, could keep an eye on them to make sure that they were doing the job that they were chosen to do. See who rises to the top and has the better ideas and plans. That would give us a better idea who might be a better presidential candidate. We could see him in action for four years and decide if we liked him or not. We need less involvement from the Feds and more from the states and cities. The Feds should take care of the country as a whole. The states would maintain the cities and the cities would be the ones to take care of the people. Afterall, they have a better idea of what the people need. That's just me sayin.