Friday, November 21, 2008

Stand Up!

Time to get your head out of the sand people!  Radical muslims are a threat to freedom and life itself! They are spreading their hate just as Hitler did back in the 1930's. If we don't pay attention to this problem now, we will be fighting an even bigger war in the future. They are raising generation after generation with the same message of hate. Death to America, Death to UK, Death to Jews, Death to all non Muslims, and Jihad to the world. They are in every country. They are spreading this message each day within our borders. They are using our own laws against us. They are using our own greed against us. They are using our own freedom against us. The 9/11 hijackers were trained in this country. Stop being politically correct and fight back!!! Jihad to Islam! Jihad to Islam! It's time we started fighting back. Aerial burst of chemical weapons when they gather to pray. IED's in their places of worship. Bomb their trains and buses. Start teaching our own children to hate radical islam. We need to act against them before they attack us again. It's our turn to unleash our war against them. Stop searching for Bin Laden. Carpet the area where you suspect him to be with a viral agent. Yes, I am talking about chemical warfare against them. NUKE THEM! No option should be off the table. To all you radical muslims, you said that you once ruled the world, what happened? If you are so great, why didn't you keep control of the world?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tired of Pirates?

With all the hijacked ships being off the coast of Somalia, and all the people in the region supporting the pirates, since it is the only way they can make money, isn't it time to teach them all a lesson? More and more nations are getting in to the act of trying to combat this problem, shouldn't we take the fight to them? A nice big multi-national armed force battling the common enemy. Daily carpet bombing of their cities and luxury homes. Laser guided missiles at their luxury vehicles and any boat off their coast that has more than 2 people on board. Drone aircraft with hellfire missiles on patrol along their coast. What about underwater mines 1/2 mile from shore? Not bothering shipping but blowing up pirate ships. Just below the surface so they can't see them. A few fast attack subs on the prowl would also be nice. Sink every boat on the water that comes from that country. Maybe if we make the price of piracy high, they might think of a better way to make money.

Obama Still Want to Talk to Our Enemies?

With that radical muslim issuing a video bashing our President elect, do you still want to talk to our enemies? I really don't think that talking to them will do any good. They cannot be trusted and are extreme to say the least. I think that a round or two of indiscriminate bombing might send a better message.

Monday, November 17, 2008

What Happens Now?

What Happens Now? With the election decided and the people of the world just waiting for him to take the oath of office, what happens now? The economy is still in the toilet, stocks are still tettering on the edge of a cliff, and all major retailers reporting less revenue heading into the holiday season, and credit tighter than the ass of an ant, what happens now? Is he going to deliver a miracle? I really doubt it. People, prepare for things to be bad for at least the next 4-5 years. It took us awhile to get here, so it only makes sense to think that the journey out of this mess will take awhile.