Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Year and a new President later.....

Anything changed? Economy still in the toilet? Jobs  disappearing faster than George Bush after Obama's oath of office? People losing their homes, jobs, medical care, and sense of humor still the norm? Enough Already! It's starting to look like Lord of the Flies out here. Can't we all just get a break? Come on Congress. Billions to your corrupt bank and finance buddies isn't working. Try a check for say maybe $100,000 to each and every American that is over 18 years of age. That is what would stimulate the economy and get this country back on track. Not this crap of government intervention into more and more of our lives. WE DON'T NEED YOU! Less government would be more prudent during these hard economic times not the hiring blitz that you seem to think. Term Limits need to be put in place on all elected officials. Time to put these old windbags out to pasture. Maybe they can get a job at Wal-Mart as a greeter. We need young minds that are not corrupted by the political machine. A grass roots movement needs to happen all across this great nation.  Less Government not more. Smaller government less taxes. That would be nice right? The only way to get there is to get these old bums out!

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