Saturday, September 27, 2008
Local Investment
I know that money is tight and our future is uncertain. Do you realize that our future is always uncertain? Dangers are all around us and have been our entire history. The economy shrinks when we stop spending money, which effects our economic health. Try to live without the new and bigger goods. Live within your income. We are a nation of excess. Be thankful for what you have and enjoy it. Happiness does not come from goods. It comes from people, like friends and family. You can't buy them. If you go out to dinner, stay local and tip well when warrented. That stimulates the local economy. If you know me, you know that I always stimulate the local economy. The places I go, the staff know who I am and are happy to see me. I find it sad that I can make someones day by the tip I leave. That is so sad. MONEY DOES NOT CREATE HAPPINESS. My happiest days were growing up and playing tag with my dog "Joshua". Taking him out to lunch and for ice cream. Petting him and just playing. No matter how bad a day I had, he would chase it from my mind. I miss you Joshua. I hope that in Heaven you have found someone to play tag with you and give you all the petting that you want until I hopefully join you. Then I will take over and spend eternity with you having the best days ever known to man. Now you know why I put up so many cocker spaniel pictures.
Economy Improving?
Is the economy improving? My girlfriend got called back to her old job that she got laid off from over a year ago. It means more money, hours, and insurance for her, which I am glad for her. Unfortunately, I don't see this to be a sign that things are improving. Too many foreclosures in the local paper, too many plant closings, too many jobs lost, and too much bullshit from the Government on that the economy is improving. If they are saying it, you know it's a lie. Scare tactics are what they give us, since most of us do not think well when scared. I am not one of them! Knee jerk politics are not something that I suffer from like our President and Congress. This bail out that they want to place on our backs, bails out their cronies that drove us to this point by their greed. It does not bail us out. Using our tax dollars to help out the people with the mortgages that are threatening these banks and markets, would be a much better use of our tax dollars. If these mortgages could be refinanced to a set rate with a payment that they could afford, they wouldn't threaten these banks and markets. They would be a stable investment once again. Thus it would avert this crisis that we face. Help the common man, not the greedy CEO's. Help the many and not the few. I'm pretty sure that the cost to do what I suggest would be far less than $700 BILLION. Any member of Congress that votes in favor of this bailout package should be removed from office. The majority of the people of this country are against this deal. If they vote against our wishes, why would you want to keep them in power? It would be a clear example that your vote and voice does not matter. Piss you off? It sure the HELL pisses me off! Goverment for the people by the people!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Limit Compensation for bailout CEO's
The Senators are calling for a limit on the compensation paid to the CEO's of the companies that are requiring this bailout. Why stop there? I've always said that we need to cap the amount paid to every one at $5 million. If you can't live well on that amount of money, I think that you need a little chat with a shrink. I am sick of these people being paid so much. Do you hear me pro athletes, musicians, and CEO's? They should have a cap put on them. Invest the rest of the money in the company or charities of your state, city, or country. Make the offshore tax shelters a treason crime with a mandatory sentence of 20 years in a federal prison of violent offenders. No classy prison of ease for you! Do I have your attention now? Just think how much money would be put back into the economy by this plan. Make chairities required of all Fortune 500 companies. No company can donate to the same chairity that another donates to. Education donations would see a 100% tax deduction. Maybe we would get better quality educations from our schools with this better funding. With $5 million you just might have to be taught how to budget your money. Make you more responsible for your actions. No government bail out for you. I am against this bail out no matter what cost or results occur for it's failure. It's the lesson we and the rest of the world need to learn so we can legislate what we do not want the financial sector to do again. Maybe then you will realize what my plan has for merits. It's not just us that feels this failure, it's the whole world. Let us do what we preach to others and let the market play out with no interference from the government or bail out from our wallets. Let's make financial responsibility be the guiding force of our economy not GREED. It would be a hard lesson, but it would be the best lesson. That's just Kidworks Just sayin.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Here's my vote
Here is my vote for President of the United States. Take a minute and see what he has to say. He seems to be the only candidate that grasps what this country needs. His name is Ron Paul. Find him online and see what I am talking about. The good old boy network is what this $700 billion bail out package is trying to save courtesy of our hard earned dollars.(Or rather our great great grandchildren since our national debt has ballooned to trillions of dollars.) You can't spend what you don't have. The government does and we end up with debt and higher taxes plus a weaker dollar. That hurts us more than it hurts the ruling class and big business. This is a failed system that needs to be scrapped and started over. This time financial responsibility must be the law of the land. No military aid to any other nation. No negotiations with our enemies. Annihilation of our enemies. Neither Obama or McCain grasp this problem. They are just going to grow the government, which will cost us more and be just as corrupt as the rest of the government. Listen to all the candidates and see what change really is. It's definitely not McCain or Obama. Ron Paul for President! Time to make this corrupt government accountable to the American people again.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Financial Crisis?
It's nice that the feds finally realized that the economy is in the toilet. Most of us realized that a couple of years ago. Don't believe me? Just ask any waiter or waitress how they've been doing and you will find out. I had a personal friend that was forced to close his business because of the economy. That meant job losses to the employees and lost tax revenue for the city, state, and federal governments. Thereby putting the country further in the toilet. What does it take for you people to get angry enough to revolt? Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Bears Stearn, and AIG are all companies that perpetuated the deals that forced them into failure. All the while, their CEO's were paid millions. Don't believe me? Just check out my blog on what the two bozo's from Freddie and Fannie were paid last year, the others involved weren't far behind them. I am against our Government bailing these businesses out. It sets a dangerous precedent. The Government never bailed my friends business out. These companies should have been allowed to fail. Maybe then you would realize that this system is not working. It would have been painful for not only us, but the entire world as well. I think that it would have been a good lesson for us all to learn. What is it going to take to teach you monkey's that I am right in what I have said? Speak up!!!! The Government is destroying our future. No future for us means no future for our children. Get off your ass and start looking into all these crooked businesses and Government deals. Vote none of the above in 08!!!!!!!!!!!!
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