Saturday, September 27, 2008

Economy Improving?

Is the economy improving? My girlfriend got called back to her old job that she got laid off from over a year ago. It means more money, hours, and insurance for her, which I am glad for her. Unfortunately, I don't see this to be a sign that things are improving. Too many foreclosures in the local paper, too many plant closings, too many jobs lost, and too much bullshit from the Government on that the economy is improving. If they are saying it, you know it's a lie. Scare tactics are what they give us, since most of us do not think well when scared. I am not one of them! Knee jerk politics are not something that I suffer from like our President and Congress. This bail out that they want to place on our backs, bails out their cronies that drove us to this point by their greed. It does not bail us out. Using our tax dollars to help out the people with the mortgages that are threatening these banks and markets, would be a much better use of our tax dollars. If these mortgages could be refinanced to a set rate with a payment that they could afford, they wouldn't threaten these banks and markets. They would be a stable investment once again. Thus it would avert this crisis that we face. Help the common man, not the greedy CEO's. Help the many and not the few. I'm pretty sure that the cost to do what I suggest would be far less than $700 BILLION. Any member of Congress that votes in favor of this bailout package should be removed from office. The majority of the people of this country are against this deal. If they vote against our wishes, why would you want to keep them in power? It would be a clear example that your vote and voice does not matter. Piss you off? It sure the HELL pisses me off! Goverment for the people by the people!

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