Sorry, I just can't keep up with all the schemes and treasonous acts that are going on. So many things just not enough time to explain it to you in a way that you will be able to understand. Back to filing the ACLU complaint, so everyone stand under the mistletoe. A little smooching is what we all could use right now. These days kisses are a bargain, they're FREE. No bailout money needed.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Now the FEDS start to listen to my idea
Lately Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has changed his tune and now wants to do more to stop foreclosures. He suggests that the government make bulk purchases of mortgages that have become delinquent and refinance them through a program called "Hope for Homeowners". He also suggests that a loan modification program would make monthly mortgage payments more affordable. Lower the interest rate to 3% for five years. He also suggests that borrowers would pay no more than 31% of their pretax income, instead of the current 38%. This sounds like what I said when they were discussing the Bailout Plan. I said to take the $750 billion and use it to refinance the distressed mortgages to a payment the people could afford. It would have kept the housing market on a little firmer ground. Obviously, what he did isn't working. Unless you count the number of credit card offers you get now as working. DON'T LISTEN TO ME. I'M NOT A BANKING WHIZ THAT YOU ARE. IT JUST SEEMED TO MAKE PERFECT SENSE TO ME WHEN I POSTED THAT IDEA. INVESTMENT FIRMS ARE BORROWING MORE WHILE BANKS ARE BORROWING LESS. Hmmm, I THINK THAT SOME GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ARE COMING UP. Start doing some stock market research, the time to invest in stocks is coming. Profits will be made. Venture capitalists see hope in young companies. They predict that new products and companies in clean technology, medical devices, wireless technology and other sectors will usher in a new economic era. Remember me saying "invest in technology, medicine, entertainment, and energy with electricity being most important" a while back? Maybe you should go back and read some of my old posts. You just might learn something. Hey Bernanke! If you are going to steal my ideas, could you at least give me a little credit? Just throw out "Hey Kidworks, thanks for the idea!" at one of your press conferences. It would cause the press corps to be dumbfounded and they just might have to do some actual investigative work. It would be fun. Might just be a bit of cheer that we all could use at this time of year since your last idea was such a winner.
Merry Christmas?
With the economy in the toilet and the future so uncertain, can we still have a Merry Christmas? Charities are facing fewer donations but more requests for help. Jobs are disappearing faster than McCain after his election loss. Where does it end? Is a Merry Christmas still possible? Someone please tell me that it is.......
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Stand Up!
Time to get your head out of the sand people! Radical muslims are a threat to freedom and life itself! They are spreading their hate just as Hitler did back in the 1930's. If we don't pay attention to this problem now, we will be fighting an even bigger war in the future. They are raising generation after generation with the same message of hate. Death to America, Death to UK, Death to Jews, Death to all non Muslims, and Jihad to the world. They are in every country. They are spreading this message each day within our borders. They are using our own laws against us. They are using our own greed against us. They are using our own freedom against us. The 9/11 hijackers were trained in this country. Stop being politically correct and fight back!!! Jihad to Islam! Jihad to Islam! It's time we started fighting back. Aerial burst of chemical weapons when they gather to pray. IED's in their places of worship. Bomb their trains and buses. Start teaching our own children to hate radical islam. We need to act against them before they attack us again. It's our turn to unleash our war against them. Stop searching for Bin Laden. Carpet the area where you suspect him to be with a viral agent. Yes, I am talking about chemical warfare against them. NUKE THEM! No option should be off the table. To all you radical muslims, you said that you once ruled the world, what happened? If you are so great, why didn't you keep control of the world?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tired of Pirates?
With all the hijacked ships being off the coast of Somalia, and all the people in the region supporting the pirates, since it is the only way they can make money, isn't it time to teach them all a lesson? More and more nations are getting in to the act of trying to combat this problem, shouldn't we take the fight to them? A nice big multi-national armed force battling the common enemy. Daily carpet bombing of their cities and luxury homes. Laser guided missiles at their luxury vehicles and any boat off their coast that has more than 2 people on board. Drone aircraft with hellfire missiles on patrol along their coast. What about underwater mines 1/2 mile from shore? Not bothering shipping but blowing up pirate ships. Just below the surface so they can't see them. A few fast attack subs on the prowl would also be nice. Sink every boat on the water that comes from that country. Maybe if we make the price of piracy high, they might think of a better way to make money.
Obama Still Want to Talk to Our Enemies?
With that radical muslim issuing a video bashing our President elect, do you still want to talk to our enemies? I really don't think that talking to them will do any good. They cannot be trusted and are extreme to say the least. I think that a round or two of indiscriminate bombing might send a better message.
Monday, November 17, 2008
What Happens Now?
What Happens Now? With the election decided and the people of the world just waiting for him to take the oath of office, what happens now? The economy is still in the toilet, stocks are still tettering on the edge of a cliff, and all major retailers reporting less revenue heading into the holiday season, and credit tighter than the ass of an ant, what happens now? Is he going to deliver a miracle? I really doubt it. People, prepare for things to be bad for at least the next 4-5 years. It took us awhile to get here, so it only makes sense to think that the journey out of this mess will take awhile.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Think of This
Now that Obama has won, he has to buy a puppy for his children. I recommend a cocker spaniel to him. They are great with kids and they love attention. They also are defensive of their owners. Some bargain they got. They get a puppy and they only have to give up all the rights we are so used to. Playing outside, absolutely not(security risk). Having friends over? Not without a serious background check. Having to make all new friends now that they are far from Chicago. It's something I could not do to my family. I'm sure Camp David is nice but it's no Disney World. Certainly not a great place for children. He gets the Presidency and they lose the father that they know and love. What a bargain! To all you white supremacists, don't shoot him. I don't think that you would want your children to grow up without their daddy. So don't do it to his. Let's give him a chance. I'm not in his fan club either. I just figure he can't do any worse than what Bush has done.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Election Pressure
I first have to say that I am against both the front runners for President. My choice and vote are for Ron Paul. How's this for pressure? If Obama is elected, do you think that the weight of the office is going to doom or raise afro-Americans by the legacy he leaves behind? If things go badly for him, it will have a severe negative impact on there ever being another afro-American President. Talk about pressure! Of course if he does well, it could also raise more afro-Americans up into political office. I'd like to see more in every level of Government. Even more as CEO's of Fortune 500 companies. They have earned that position at the very least. Of course I'd like to see Palin in the White House. Not for political stance but as a Hottie. We haven't had one since Jackie Kennedy. Think of the press! Her sunbathing on the lawn! How would you like to take that to deer camp guys? That's just
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Economic Downturn
It's been a little while since I last ranted so forgive me if it takes me a little while to get into the swing of things. LET'S START WITH THE AIG TAXPAYER FUNDED PARTY. A $440,000 party courtesy of our bailout tax dollars. WHAT THE F**K? These assholes drove this economy to it's knees and then needed our tax dollars to stay afloat and then they had the nerve to have a party at our expense? What the f**k are they celebrating? The fact they got the bailout or the fact they drove this economy to it's knees? High paid salaries for these assholes? Why? If you say because we need to pay high salaries to attract top talent, I'm going to poke you in the eye. It seems with all the money you paid your top guys, they did a crackerjack job. If that is what you get for lots of money, just think what you could get with a mentally handicapped $500 a week executive. This would be f**king Nirvana. If that is top talent, give me the mentally handicapped executives any day.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Banned From K Mart
I can't get the letter to display clearly so I am including the website to see it on.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yet Even More
Economic Stimulis Package
Now that the Congress & President have passed this obscene bailout bill, in their infinite wisdom, is the economy doing better? Are we all reassured by the infinite wisdom of our elected crooks that the stock market is safe again and the housing crisis over? If the reaction lately on Wall Street is any indication of our confindence level, I would have to say not even close. Investors all over the world are reeling in massive selling of stock in businesses across all lines. Way to go Washington! They say, "Give it Time to work. If it doesn't, we'll do something else." Like what? Throw more taxpayer money at it? You fucking assholes did not listen to the American public and did this any way. Throw more money at it? Are you kidding me? Are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that doing this doesn't solve anything? It's done a great job with Welfare. So many removed from poverty and made into respectable productive citizens. Yeah, right. If you call a entire class of people sucking on the tit of the Government, generation after generation a success. VOTE THESE "YES' VOTING COCKSUCKERS OUT OF OFFICE! Invest your money in technology, medicine, electrical energy, and film entertainment. These stocks will recover. Just wait another week before buying them so you can get the lowest price when buying. Technology is the future. Medicine, because we all want to live forever. Electrical energy, because anyone can generate it(Not just fat smelly towel heads). And finally enetertainment, because we need some outlet for our fears and some humor to make us not focus on the mess we are in. Common sense stratagey that will make money for the wise investor. Kidworks Just Sayin.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Need Help in Investigating This Death
People this case needs our help in laying to rest. Just the face value of the case makes you wonder why a better job wasn't done. It's another example of a corrupt government body not doing the job that we have entrusted them to do. Shame on you St.Clair County Sherrif's Office! It's just another criminal case that you are now an accessory to after the fact. Hopefully the State Police can find the truth and hold you accountable for your misdeeds.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Money Safe in Ireland Banks
Ireland has approved a law that guarantees 100% of deposits in six of its largest banks. That is a far cry better than the measly $100,000 we currently have and still better than the $250,000 that this bailout guarantees. If I had a vast amount of wealth, I'd have to open 6 accounts in these banks. Italy would be next, since they guarantee $212,000. I'd deposit not more than $100,000 in the U.S. Just enough to make daily expenses and such. I'd be buying a lot of these falling stocks in the tech, medicine, energy, and entertainment fields. These will rebound and with it a nice return for a small investment. Real estate would also be an investment, but only on a few select properties. I'm not willing to be a landlord. Just dreaming of what makes good business sense to me. Now I just need the vast amount of wealth to get this going. Risky? I really don't think so. I think that Warren Buffet would agree with me. History plays in here and a good sense of what people want and need. It's a buyers market. The only problem is trying to find the actual worth of the real estate that you want to buy. Come on Brainiacs of Economics, what does your monkey mind say to you?
Deeper in Debt
Well the bailout bill has been passed and signed by that soon to be retired dickwad, Bush. It was passed because they added a few things, $107 billion worth of very transparent attempts to buy votes. "That is why things are added to bills, to get other people on," House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer,D-Md. said. Let's call it what it is, earmarks or rather BRIBES! We the people were against this package by a 10-1 margin. They took our hard earned tax dollars and gave it away to a corrupt system that's greed forced them to this point. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION is what you call that and we had a little tea party the last time we had this shoved down our throats. All these earmarks do not do anything to benefit the common man. It's just bullshit that they do this to us. Are you sick and tired of this crap yet? I'm ready to move to Canada or Mexico and end my paying taxes to this crooked system. I'd like a few trailers filled with ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel with 3 pagers all set to the same number. A few buildings could use just a little "shake-up", if you know what I mean. Maybe then we could get their attention. This is wrong. It hurts the common man and further puts us in debt, which we cannot recover from. Do you realize that our national debt exceeds what this nation makes each year? Unbelieveable. SOUND OFF AMERICA!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Lynn Marie Ellis Cook
Everyone, please say a prayer for the family of Lynn Marie Ellis-Cook. She passed away suddenly the other day at the tender age of 43. She leaves behind two sons as well as a husband. I knew her while growing up in Port Huron and I can tell you that she was a beautiful lady with a very nice personality. The world just got a little darker since she has left. I've lost too many old friends at an early age. So please say a prayer that Harry Potter welcomes her to his world.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bail Out Plan
There is an alternative bail out plan, being e-mailed to a lot of people, that would go to every tax payer in America over the age of 18. I do not agree with this plan since someone that is 18 hasn't contributed that much into the system to warrent that windfall. Check my latest Economy Improving? blog for what I think would be a better way to spend our tax dollars. It definitely makes sense to me and offers a stable or less risky investment to shore up the banks and market funds.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Local Investment
I know that money is tight and our future is uncertain. Do you realize that our future is always uncertain? Dangers are all around us and have been our entire history. The economy shrinks when we stop spending money, which effects our economic health. Try to live without the new and bigger goods. Live within your income. We are a nation of excess. Be thankful for what you have and enjoy it. Happiness does not come from goods. It comes from people, like friends and family. You can't buy them. If you go out to dinner, stay local and tip well when warrented. That stimulates the local economy. If you know me, you know that I always stimulate the local economy. The places I go, the staff know who I am and are happy to see me. I find it sad that I can make someones day by the tip I leave. That is so sad. MONEY DOES NOT CREATE HAPPINESS. My happiest days were growing up and playing tag with my dog "Joshua". Taking him out to lunch and for ice cream. Petting him and just playing. No matter how bad a day I had, he would chase it from my mind. I miss you Joshua. I hope that in Heaven you have found someone to play tag with you and give you all the petting that you want until I hopefully join you. Then I will take over and spend eternity with you having the best days ever known to man. Now you know why I put up so many cocker spaniel pictures.
Economy Improving?
Is the economy improving? My girlfriend got called back to her old job that she got laid off from over a year ago. It means more money, hours, and insurance for her, which I am glad for her. Unfortunately, I don't see this to be a sign that things are improving. Too many foreclosures in the local paper, too many plant closings, too many jobs lost, and too much bullshit from the Government on that the economy is improving. If they are saying it, you know it's a lie. Scare tactics are what they give us, since most of us do not think well when scared. I am not one of them! Knee jerk politics are not something that I suffer from like our President and Congress. This bail out that they want to place on our backs, bails out their cronies that drove us to this point by their greed. It does not bail us out. Using our tax dollars to help out the people with the mortgages that are threatening these banks and markets, would be a much better use of our tax dollars. If these mortgages could be refinanced to a set rate with a payment that they could afford, they wouldn't threaten these banks and markets. They would be a stable investment once again. Thus it would avert this crisis that we face. Help the common man, not the greedy CEO's. Help the many and not the few. I'm pretty sure that the cost to do what I suggest would be far less than $700 BILLION. Any member of Congress that votes in favor of this bailout package should be removed from office. The majority of the people of this country are against this deal. If they vote against our wishes, why would you want to keep them in power? It would be a clear example that your vote and voice does not matter. Piss you off? It sure the HELL pisses me off! Goverment for the people by the people!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Limit Compensation for bailout CEO's
The Senators are calling for a limit on the compensation paid to the CEO's of the companies that are requiring this bailout. Why stop there? I've always said that we need to cap the amount paid to every one at $5 million. If you can't live well on that amount of money, I think that you need a little chat with a shrink. I am sick of these people being paid so much. Do you hear me pro athletes, musicians, and CEO's? They should have a cap put on them. Invest the rest of the money in the company or charities of your state, city, or country. Make the offshore tax shelters a treason crime with a mandatory sentence of 20 years in a federal prison of violent offenders. No classy prison of ease for you! Do I have your attention now? Just think how much money would be put back into the economy by this plan. Make chairities required of all Fortune 500 companies. No company can donate to the same chairity that another donates to. Education donations would see a 100% tax deduction. Maybe we would get better quality educations from our schools with this better funding. With $5 million you just might have to be taught how to budget your money. Make you more responsible for your actions. No government bail out for you. I am against this bail out no matter what cost or results occur for it's failure. It's the lesson we and the rest of the world need to learn so we can legislate what we do not want the financial sector to do again. Maybe then you will realize what my plan has for merits. It's not just us that feels this failure, it's the whole world. Let us do what we preach to others and let the market play out with no interference from the government or bail out from our wallets. Let's make financial responsibility be the guiding force of our economy not GREED. It would be a hard lesson, but it would be the best lesson. That's just Kidworks Just sayin.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Here's my vote
Here is my vote for President of the United States. Take a minute and see what he has to say. He seems to be the only candidate that grasps what this country needs. His name is Ron Paul. Find him online and see what I am talking about. The good old boy network is what this $700 billion bail out package is trying to save courtesy of our hard earned dollars.(Or rather our great great grandchildren since our national debt has ballooned to trillions of dollars.) You can't spend what you don't have. The government does and we end up with debt and higher taxes plus a weaker dollar. That hurts us more than it hurts the ruling class and big business. This is a failed system that needs to be scrapped and started over. This time financial responsibility must be the law of the land. No military aid to any other nation. No negotiations with our enemies. Annihilation of our enemies. Neither Obama or McCain grasp this problem. They are just going to grow the government, which will cost us more and be just as corrupt as the rest of the government. Listen to all the candidates and see what change really is. It's definitely not McCain or Obama. Ron Paul for President! Time to make this corrupt government accountable to the American people again.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Financial Crisis?
It's nice that the feds finally realized that the economy is in the toilet. Most of us realized that a couple of years ago. Don't believe me? Just ask any waiter or waitress how they've been doing and you will find out. I had a personal friend that was forced to close his business because of the economy. That meant job losses to the employees and lost tax revenue for the city, state, and federal governments. Thereby putting the country further in the toilet. What does it take for you people to get angry enough to revolt? Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Bears Stearn, and AIG are all companies that perpetuated the deals that forced them into failure. All the while, their CEO's were paid millions. Don't believe me? Just check out my blog on what the two bozo's from Freddie and Fannie were paid last year, the others involved weren't far behind them. I am against our Government bailing these businesses out. It sets a dangerous precedent. The Government never bailed my friends business out. These companies should have been allowed to fail. Maybe then you would realize that this system is not working. It would have been painful for not only us, but the entire world as well. I think that it would have been a good lesson for us all to learn. What is it going to take to teach you monkey's that I am right in what I have said? Speak up!!!! The Government is destroying our future. No future for us means no future for our children. Get off your ass and start looking into all these crooked businesses and Government deals. Vote none of the above in 08!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Gotta Go
Well monkey butts, I have to get back to running the roads. Please don't drink and drive and slow down to the speed limit. Kids are out and about after having been in school all week and they don't always look before they run out into the street. (You used to do the same thing, your mom told me.) If you get a chance, pet some puppies. They like their chins itched and bellies rubbed. Relax and enjoy some good tunes and take a walk. Even if you did the running previously mentioned. I'll say a prayer to Harry Potter for you. That's just Kidworks Just Sayin.
Get Out There!
Yes, Please, Pretty Please!!
Illegal Immigration
I don't know about you, but I am tired of all the debate around illegal immigration. I know that they are just trying to get a better life but they need to go about it legally. Otherwise I will label them as Economic Terrorists and will not treat them as a catch and release prisoner. I would hunt them down and treat them just like we treated the Taliban. They do jobs that Americans won't do? BULLSHIT! We won't do them because they do not pay enough. Try paying a decent wage and you wouldn't need the illegals. Look at the people that want to grant them amnesty and see what they represent. It's big business that benefits from the illegal aliens. We get hurt by them by keeping wages low and making jobs harder to find. They are criminals by being here illegally. Treat them better? Should we treat all law breakers as well as we treat them? They are using the welfare system and falsfying social security cards to get employment, which are Federal crimes. Treat them better? HELL NO! Round them up by military force and export them. Take DNA from them and send them back. Make them be banned for life from entering this country again. Force them to leave at gun point. No being nice. Bilingual signs? HELL NO! This is America and learning English is a requirement for citizenship. No more bilingual signs or customer service phone lines. If they can't communicate with us and are treated as the criminals they are, they will find this country hostile towards them and will leave. English is not an easy language to learn but we never said that gaining citizenship would be easy. Use your monkey minds and sound off on this topic. Am I off base here? Or do I say what you feel and think but are afraid to say?
Why Isn't He In Jail?
Now that Kilpatrick is no longer mayor of Detroit, why isn't he in jail? If it were you or I, we would have been in shackles at the press conference when he agreed to the plea deal. Hopefully they'll send him to Macomb County Jail, instead of a lame jail in Wayne County. Then he can be watched over by another crook, Mark Hackel. He is the Sherriff for Macomb County. His dad was a crook and so is he. Nice to know that some family traditions are still being followed. His dad should be on the sexual offenders list. I wonder if he lives by a school? The FBI and Justice Department should launch an investigation into that jail and all it's shady dealings.
Corrupt Government
13 current & former Interior Department employees in Denver & Washington were given sex by employees of energy companies and received numerous gifts from them. They rigged government contracts, worked part time as private oil consultants, and had sex, trips, and dinners from oil company employees. The Interior Department employees are the ones that collect and set the amount of royalty's paid to the Federal government for allowing the oil & gas companies to drill on government land. Do you see why I say overthrow this corrupt government? All these actions hurt us with higher taxes and higher fuel and energy prices. You can't tell me that the top executives at these companies did not know what their underlings were doing. I say use the RICO Act against them. You know, the one that the government used against the mob. It's used to charge the mob bosses with running a criminal enterprise, even though they personally did not do it but benefited from it by the actions of their underlings. The CEO's of these companies reaped the rewards from their underlings actions, so let's make them take responsibility for them as well. It's definitely a start. Might make them realize that "we the people" run this country, not big business or corrupt politicians. Strip them of their wealth and social security benefits. It all came from ill gotten gains so they should lose it. What do you think America?
Friday, September 19, 2008
How About A Little Feedback?
To anyone that reads what I have to say, how about leaving a comment or two? I will not censor what you have to say. Unlike the government, I believe in freedom of speech. I'd just like to know what the monkey mind has to say. When I get more time I plan on really ranting about a few things that is really wrong with this country. Never fear, I will include puppies and kittens every now and then. You have to also have some humor. Without it, I'd be taking an AK47 to a lot of people and breaking into pet stores and kennels to play with puppies. Sounds like fun.
Be Prepared!
In D.C., charging documents say a man from Virginia, who was found with a grenade and several weapons in his car,blocks from the U.S. Capitol. He told officials he was in Washington to help police. He wanted to offer more "manpower" in case of a conflict with a secret society. The police will not believe you. We have to fight the zombies on our own! Be Prepared!!!
What the Fuck?
Chicago, Illinois-Cook county prosecuters dropped murder and robbery charges against a man arrested in last month's killing of an off-duty Chicago police officer and a woman, who were gunned down as they sat in a parked SUV. Jason Austin,26, was ordered released from custody. Prosecuters would not discuss exactly why they dropped the charges. What? Shouldn't the people be informed as to why? Don't they know that they answer to the people of Chicago? WE NEED SOME ANSWERS! Is this guy dangerous? A case of mistaken identity? What the fuck?!
AIG UnderGovernment Control?
AIG under government control? You've got to be kidding me. With the national debt that the government has racked up, do you really trust them to run this business? People, do you see what corporate greed has gotten us into? Million dollar salaries to these CEO's, who drove this company to failure, that we are now forced to bail out. Nice. Corporate greed hurts us all. Can you see it? At least the government will not be paying the CEO's of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the $24 million in exit packages they were to get. Fannie Mae CEO Daniel Mudd had been due to receive up to $8.4 million and Freddie Mac CEO Richard Syron was due to receive up to $15.5 million. Not bad money for driving your companies into financial ruin. Hell, I'd do it for $3 million. Just enough to get my own truck and boat. Daniel Mudd made $12.2 million in 2007 and Richard Syron made $19.8 million in 2007. Obscene compensation. The vast majority of us will never see that kind of money unless we hit the Mega-Millions lottery. And that would be just once, not year after year. Here's pictures of these two idiots.
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